Krista Grabowski
1 min readFeb 22, 2024


My father died with Parkinson's. He did a lot to slow its progression, but then he had to go to the hospital for a twisted colon (fairly common with PD patients I believe). He lay in bed for days instead of moving around like he did before, and it didn't take long for his Parkinson's symptoms to worsen quickly. He became unable to swallow so he wasn't able to get the nutrition he needed. Doctors gave options for feeding him, but surgery to do that didn't happen in time. This was all during COVID and only my brother and I were allowed to be in his room with him. It was the hardest thing and most heartbreaking thing I've ever done. I can sympathize with your experience. Exercise helps us in so many ways. Thanks for sharing your story. Comfort yourself in times of grief knowing that she is no longer suffering and knowing that you did so much for her.



Krista Grabowski

Krista is an endlessly curious woman who works with words every moment she can. Other interests include her 2 amazing grown children, movies, and knitting.